If you are going to learn about the Kabbalah faith, then you are going to have to delve into some Kabbalah books. There is simply no way around it. You can poke around the Internet and you can ask questions at a seminar but you just are not going to get as much information as when you sit down and actually read the works.
Yes, some folks hate to read but there are books that are interesting enough to keep your attention. Some are written in plain enough language that anybody can understand what it is they are talking about. Take for example Dr. Rav Michael Laitman.
That man is one busy guy. He has penned much about the healing spirituality of the Hebrew books about Kabbalah. He even wrote a "Complete Idiots Guide to Kabbalah!" How much simpler could a book get than an idiots guide? He is not talking down to the uninformed either. He is simply putting it in plain language so that anyone can understand what it is he is talking about. His other titles include: "Together Forever: the story about the magician that didn't want to be alone" and "Basic Concepts in Kabbalah: Expanding Your Inner Vision." The man definitely stays busy with his writing and Kabbalah is obviously a passion for him that he expresses quite eloquently in his writing.
If you are looking for Kabbalah books written by Dr. Rav Michael Laitman, then visit Kabbalah Books and see all the wonderful books he has penned. Pay attention to the links at the bottom left hand side of the web page. There are books translated into a myriad of languages from Hebrew books on to Bulgarian. There is definitely something for every taste palate and then some. You may have to buy more than one just to find what you are looking for because there are tons of books out there to help you understand the healing spirituality of Kabbalah.
Books are your friends and you need to embrace them. They provide countless resources of information that you will need in your journey to spiritual enlightenment with the Kabbalah religion. Kabbalah books come in all levels and there are some for everyone. If you are just a beginner, then there are books that will cover all the basics. If you have the basics covered and want to know about more advanced topics, then there are books for that as well. Just settle in with a good book and you will discover the joys of reading again.